Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012 Changes

Each new year I always look forward to changes.  I like change.  I regularly move furniture around because I enjoy change.  One of my favorite parts of the year is putting away the past school books and getting out the new ones!  I always have goals and desires for change in the New Year.

One that I always set for myself is to walk more faithfully in the ways of God.  I desire to read my Bible more faithfully, to spend more time in prayer, to do more work for the kingdom of God, to learn more scriptures and doctrine.  I never quite reach my desired walk though.  Why not?  Sin.  Oh to be in the eternal presence of God and absence of sin!  I look forward to that.  Until then, I will continue to try to mortify my laziness and lack of desire to strive for the things of God!  Practically speaking, we have a goal to read through the Old Testament as a family.  Personally, I want to spend my first 15 minutes in prayer and scripture memorization.  There are other goals on my list, but this is an example of some of the ways I want to walk closer to God in 2012!

Another goal I seem to have every year is to lose weight.  I think there were two years of my life since high school where I didn't list this as a goal.  I really need to work off at least 80 pounds.  Oh, it hurts to type that.  But I know that I need prayers of family and friends so I share this with you!  I will be posting my weight loss every Tuesday.  I will also post about my nutrition for the week and exercise goals that I meet.  I really need to have a Biggest Loser year! I hope some of you will help hold me accountable and encourage me.  So look for a post next week on this!

Starting picture 

Another change that we are seeking God for guidance and direction is in our finances.  We want a Biggest Loser year for our debt! We are praying to become better stewards of what God provides and also to work more diligently to pay off the debts we owe.  Again, your prayers would be greatly appreciated!  One goal I have this month is to record what we spend for groceries with a goal of $100 per week and to not eat out AT ALL.  I will let you know how we all do on this one!  Another way we are changing things in order to pay down our debt is for me to go back to teaching in the public school.  This was a difficult decision because I really enjoy spending my days teaching and learning with our girls.  They are going to be doing many subjects without me if I get a job again.  We are thankful that Memaw Rose is here to help us with this.  I can leave the girls at home with their work and she will assist in making sure they stay on task and complete the work.  I am thankful the girls are older now and can do so much on their own.  They are excited about helping the family reach the goal of no debt by doing their part during school!

Just a few pictures from a visit to the park!  Happy Hannah!

Sweet Sarah enjoying the new playground equipment!

Mary, Memaw and Lydia!

Here is a better, well at least closer, view of Mary! :)

So by the grace of God and some hard work I pray I will see many changes for the better in 2012.  I thank God for each day and another opportunity to serve Him in all that I do!

With All My Heart~

1 comment:

  1. There is a great deal that I hope to accomplish this year, such as keeping up with posts on BridgeVision and being more diligent in prep for the Equiping Hour. After gaining 20 plus pounds since summer, diet has been thrown into the mix, too! The biggest challenge is balancing work, family, ministry and equipment repair so we stay out of financial issues. Thankfully, we have Help, and His name is Jesus. May 2012 bring us true change that is sorely needed and highly necessary!!!


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